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  • Processing - Allocating
  • Conciliation of accounts
  • Account analysis
  • Trial balance
  • Settlement of salaries and social security contributions
  • Book of law

We perform allocations and conciliation of accounts.
We carry out an in-depth analysis of all accounting information, which is based on our vast experience in the area. Whenever anomalies and/or discrepancies are found, we prepare and submit the pertinent report.

Settlement of salaries and social security contributions: the payroll is prepared pursuant to all requirements set forth in the books of law. Determination of the accounting entry, settlement of social security contributions, financial affidavit for bank submission, and pay stubs by means of a simple and thorough program built specially for the sector.
Further services: hires and discharges of employees, staff records, data entering, processing and controlling of documents, pre-placement medical examinations, registration and deregistration in the “ART” [“Aseguradora de Riesgos del Trabajo” (labour risk insurance company)], registration and deregistration in the compulsory life insurance, family allowances, complementary annual salaries, holidays, leaves, overtime, fourth-category income tax settlement, severance payments, medical insurance, unions.
Reports for different cost centres: agriculture, stockbreeding, management, farm housing.

Note: We also offer training services with regards to what has been mentioned in the paragraphs above. This enables us to keep relying upon the trustworthy staff or accounting personnel of your company’s structure.

Administrative Department Accounting  Department Financing  Department Commercial  Department Tax  Department Legal Department
Agro Creativo | Asesoramiento Agropecuario • Avda. Rivadavia 13450- Ramos Mejía- Pcia Buenos Aires- Argentina • Teléfono: 011- 1531140429
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